Select Package :
Platinum Package - $147Gold Package - $57
Additional :
Creation and Optimization of Google Places Page-$25On Page Optimization of Website-$30Creation of 15 Business Citations apart from the ones already created-$20Editing 20 Business Citations for inconsistencies-$15Creation of 35 Fresh Business Citations-$35Tier 2 Links for Business Citations-$20 for every 10 citationsOptimization of Google Places Page-$20
Keywords / URLs
Kindly note - We do not do Adult/Sensitive keywords - Kindly refrain from sending your orders with such keywords *

Note : It is important that the above 5 details you provide are accurate as these will be used for creating Business citations.

Note : After Processing the Payment, Please ensure that you click on "Return to the Boost my SERPS store" for the entire order process to be completed.